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A strategic business plan will not implement and monitor itself. Nor will it be beneficial sitting on a shelf. A business plan is the first step of an ongoing commitment to deliberately and strategically manage your business. An experienced management consultant can help. By working with your in-house staff to guide the implementation and monitor effectiveness and success; a T. A. Copeland management consultant will:

  • facilitate the process
  • direct work flow throughout the process
  • implement along side internal staff
  • continually monitor the progress, milestones and any needed course corrections
  • report in manageable packs the information owners need

Based on each company's structure and needs, T.A. Copeland & Associates can tailor management services to provide the ongoing support you and your business need.

Let us put our experience to work for you.

Call 763-753-2930 today for a no-obligation initial consultation.

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