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A business plan is not simply a document you prepare before you go to a bank for money. A business plan, when created thoughtfully and strategically, is a blueprint for the future direction and growth of your company. If you use it to lay out your objectives, chart a timetable with milestones, implement the elements and consistently monitor your progress against it, you can take your business where you want it to go.

The most important reasons to have a business plan are:

  • it provides you with a current, objective assessment of your business
  • it aids in growth (internally and externally)
  • it provides a rally-point for everyone in the organization. When everyone is headed in the same direction, it is much easier to get there.
  • it is essential to obtain financing

Creating a business plan doesn't have to be a daunting or grueling process either - T.A. Copeland & Associates can help. We will help you look at the reasons you started your business and your vision for the future. We can take that vision (your goals) and develop a strategic plan that, when implemented and followed over time, will help you achieve your ultimate objectives.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach. The goals of each small business owner and entrepreneur are different and that requires different plans to reach those goals. There is however a sound approach and method that can minimize the stress of developing and implementing a plan. The benefits go beyond minimizing the chaos of day-to-day operations; it also helps you reach your ultimate goals. T.A. Copeland & Associates develops custom business and strategic plans that are best suited for your goals, industry and market.

Let us put our experience to work for you.

Call 763-753-2930 today for a no-obligation initial consultation.

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